Monday, August 24, 2020
The Advantages of Ethical Retail Free Essays
Retailing The benefits of moral retail are as per the following: Higher incomes. Improved Brand, Business Awareness and Recognition. Better representative Motivation and Recruitment. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Advantages of Ethical Retail or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now There are a few moral issues to be considered in retailing. To be a throughly moral concerned organization, we are going to take a few activities to ensure everybody from the proprietors to workers in our organization know and comprehend what is ethic and ensure they act morally during the day by day selling practice. 1. Shared respectability A common honesty condition is relied upon to set up in our organization. Representatives are required to be straightforward when managing the business and with their collaborators. While the business,its proprietors and the executives ought to be straightforward in managing them. Furthermore, our organization, including proprietors and worker are required to be straightforward and moral when managing clients. 2. Improvement of moral norms Retail sales reps need rules on moral issues. A moral principles will be created and posted by the moral division. Something basic which submits the business and its workers to certain conduct should be plainly and complete to give a manual for everyday choices. Since it is discovered that some sales reps don't know what is moral issues, what is the correct thing and what isn't. Other than some presence of mind about moral issues, there are a few unfortunate activities will be recorded that they might be not understood. Charge the maximum for a deal thing without the customers’ information. Don’t advise the total truth to a client about the qualities of an item. Sell increasingly costly item when a more affordable item would be better for the client. Don’t offer data to the client about an up and coming deal. Rationalize to clients about inaccessible product when product isn't available or is sold out. Take come back from clients when you accept the thing ought not be acknowledged. Give particular treatment to specific clients. Give your representative markdown to your companions Sell stock that isn't of acceptable quality. Don’t Use the Customer Information secretly or in different business exercises. Workers are required to recall it and act it appropriately. 3. Reasonable remaining task at hand businesses in our organization additionally need to give a decent working circumstance to the representatives. No unnecessary weight and outstanding task at hand of the activity are permitted to put on sales reps, which place them in awkward circumstance. 4. Great morals show Employers are should have been moral concerned right off the bat. Workers may follow the practices of businesses. Poor morals exhibited without anyone else or senior administration can instruct others that the business is set up to compromise or arrangement in regions of dim between what is correct and what's up. This prompts workers themselves following this conduct and acting against the business however doing no more awful than they have seen a progressively senior individual do. At the point when comes to social obligation and condition concerned,we are going take a few activities in our day by day retailing practice. 1. Better stock administration Inventory the executives is the procedure of proficiently managing the consistent progression of units into and out of a current stock. It helps in controlling the expenses related with the stock. Since our stockroom where our inventories put are not situated close to our retailing store, it needs vehicles to move the items when they required. Through a superior stock administration, we can diminish the hours of transportation, in order to lessen the contamination of the earth and cost simultaneously. 2. Abbreviate opening time sensible As it known to all,electricity and water are utilized during opening time of retailing store. Be that as it may, power are squandered during low purchaser stream when just barely any individuals in the store. An examination is directed to show the buyer stream measurements and we will adjust our initial time likewise to diminish the power and water utilization. Ecological well disposed bundling Over-bundling or bundling with no-condition amicable material are additionally should have been killed worried of condition. Therefor, exchanging over to condition cordial bundling materials is our initial step. Reuse Bags are going to sell in low cost in our retailing store rather than plastic sacks. Shoppers who bring the sack back can have 10% rebate at all things. It is a decent method to maintain a strategic distance from plastic contamination, in the other hand, it is likewise a decent advancement way. 4. Undertaking exercises that are helpful to the general public To fabricate great moral concerned picture of our organization, we intend to attempt exercises that are gainful to the general public. For instance, this season, our subject is about pets. We consider to join a progression of exercises held by PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, it is the biggest basic entitlements association on the planet, with in excess of 3 million individuals and supporters. To show our organization is creature cordial, we are going to join â€Å"Shopping Guide to Compassionate Clothing: Vegan Companies†of PETA, which characterizes as organization sells just creature well disposed, cold-bloodedness free items. Advancement 1. Open intrigued promotion Public-intrigued commercials about each season’s moral accentuation are going to made. This season,considering our image is sportswear and the moral accentuation is basic entitlements, we are going to put our ads at the ways and space extraordinarily for pets and their proprietors, for example Wan Dog Park, Pet World, Peel Rise, Discovery Bay, Sai Kung, Clearwater Bay, etc. Considering our objective clients who are creature sweethearts , they play with their pets in easygoing wear. They might be pulled in by our open intrigued promotion: a man in our dressing playing with hounds agreeably. The most effective method to refer to The Advantages of Ethical Retail, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mythology- Romulus And Remus Essays - Roman Mythology,
Folklore Romulus and Remus Folklore Romulus and Remus A fantasy is a complex social wonder that can be drawn nearer from various perspectives (Mythology). Legendary animals are typically evolved to disclose something or to give an explanation why something exists. Most Gods have an extraordinary force or power, which makes them a God. Some fanciful saints are known as divinities, for the extraordinary things they have done. Romulus and Remus are two of the most notable legendary divinities, they were conceived of a vestal virgin, also, they were the legendary authors of Rome. Of every legendary animal Romulus is one of the better known. They were viewed as the fanciful makers of Rome. The residents of Rome adored Romulus and Remus since they were accepted to have made the city. They were made up to clarify the secretive appearance of Rome. By and large they are two of the most well known fanciful manifestations. Romulus and Remus were naturally introduced to an unexpected situation. They were conceived of the Vestal Virgin, Rhea and the Divine force of war, Mars. Lord Amulius sent them down the Tiber River so he would have the option to deny their demise, yet they didn't kick the bucket. They were found by a she-wolf and a winged animal that took care of and supported them to wellbeing. They were later found by a shepard, Faustulas, who brought them home to his significant other Acca. Faustulas and Acca then raised them until they were solid grown-ups. Romulus and Remus were made up to clarify the making of Rome. Romulus and Remus established the city of Rome on the place where they were to be suffocated (Rosenburg 113). To name the town, since neither one of the ones was more established they chose to separate and see who saw the first sign. Six vultures, the fowl of Mars, flew over Remus' head, minutes later twelve vultures flew over Romulus' head. Romulus was the genuine victor(Mythology: Romulus). The city Rome was named after Romulus (Jay 60). A couple a long time later while contending over designs for the city, Romulus killed Remus. Romulus was the roman chief for forty additional years until the Gods slaughtered him. Besides, they were significantly known and acknowledged for what they created also, represented. These Gods and Goddesses were conceived, fell in affection, battled with each other, and for the most part carried on like their human admirers (Littleton 813). The individuals of Rome made up these animals to offer them responses and yet they gave the world one more extraordinary story. Romulus and Remus were solid saints who manufactured an incredible godlikeness from nothing. All in all, Romulus and Remus were extraordinary names in folklore, were surrendered during childbirth and were the makers of the extraordinary city of Rome.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Marketing Mix and 4Ps How to Effectively Position Your Market Offering
Marketing Mix and 4Ps How to Effectively Position Your Market Offering What is the one thing that intrigues consumers to engage with a business right before going out to buy their products and services?Great marketing never happens by chance and it isn’t an easy task to accomplish either.Imagine cooking a delicious meal. In order for the dish to come out right, the cook has to hit the right balance between the ingredients that are to be used for the recipe and methods of preparation according to the recipe.Any mishap, for instance, adding a tablespoon of salt instead if a pinch could ruin the entire dish.Similarly, a business has to have the appropriate branding know-how as well as employ the right advertising techniques to deliver the most optimal marketing campaign for their target audience.But unlike cooking a meal, it takes months or even years of considerable effort for their marketing strategies to finally pay off.Of course, putting in the right elements is challenging, but a framework or marketing mix may help clarify what you need to do and wh ere you should focus your sights on.WHAT DO WE KNOW OF THE MARKETING MIX? In 1953, “Marketing mix†is a term that was coined over 60 years ago by professor Neil Borden to the American Marketing Association (AMA) in his presidential address.The marketing mix is typically a set of various factors that influence a consumer’s decision to purchase and use a product or service.This refers to the 4Ps of marketing; product, price, promotion, and place.Businesses can use these four factors to a certain degree.Once a firm learns how to make use of them strategically, they can produce the desired behaviors from target audiences whether it is signing up as a subscriber or purchasing a product.What’s more is that marketing mix also helps businesses get a better understanding of their product and service offerings as well as come up with the finest ways to plan for a marketing strategy and a successful launch.THE 4Ps OF MARKETINGSeven years after Borden’s speech, the 4Ps of marketing w as created by marketing professor E. Jerome McCarthy in 1960.It is a framework used by businesses and marketers when designing strategies and campaigns to promote their goods and services.Instead of taking the organic route, as in, waiting for people to notice you one day (which could be a very long time), you can shorten the gap and also boost conversions with a framework. Each of the Ps in the 4Ps model is elemental in influencing a consumer’s decision-making process.1. Product Product refers to not just the goods and/or services that a business offers to their target audience, but also the experience that consumers have with those goods and services.This P essentially provides answers to the following questions:What is it that makes customers choose your product over others?What kinds of problems does it solve? Why do people find your goods and/or services attractive?There could be a series of underlying elements for the last question.For instance, customers could be attracted to a product’s packaging, name, quality, features, design, ease-of-use, or support.Sure the payment is for the physical product, but the purchase itself is influenced by the whole buying experience.In fact, all of the elements in the 4Ps model are centered around the customer.But to conduct a successful sale, it is crucial for a business to know who their audience is and what they care about.Besides that, you have to create buyer personas, conduct customer research and learn as much about your current and potential customer base as you can.All of these details can help you make decisions that are able to appeal to and resonate within your target audiences.2. PriceYou don’t want to price your products and/or services that are too high or too low for your customers. If the price is too high, people may assume you’re being greedy.But if the price is too low, people may assume that the good or service isn’t very effective.You’ll find it pretty hard to make a sale, especially if you’re a new company and people don’t know who you are or what you sell.Fortunately, businesses employ a number of pricing strategies to increase their selling chances, including subscription, bundle, economy, competitive, discount and psychological pricing.You may have noticed that at grocery stores, generic food brands have lower prices than name-brands. This is what’s called economy pricing.There are even prices with odd decimals, such as “53.99†or “3.97†that are usually seen at department stores.This is called psychological pricing which is done to convince people that a product is less expensive. It’s also commonly practiced in auto sales.More importantly, the strategy you opt for has to be based on the value of your product, the cost of production and distribution, consumer demand and competitive landscape.The price can even be greatly influenced by your consumers.But you have to price your products realistically. If, let’s say your target market is in the middle-income bracket, then charging $900+ for a handbag is impractical.3. PromotionPromotion refers to telling people about your products and services. It covers every aspect and tactic of communication that can help you get the word out.In case you’re wondering, promotion isn’t interchangeable with marketing. Promotion focuses on how you communicate your product or service to your audience.Not only does it cover the entire marketing function, but it also addresses the sales process and other areas including advertising and public relations.But the whole point of promotion isn’t just to sell a product (even though that is one of the more crucial functions of a business).Before you can even come to the transaction part, it is vital for you to inform people about the kind of products and services you sell, the kinds of problems they solve and why they are worth buying.Having a good looking product helps, but the main takeaway of a promotion is to ensure that it solves the specific need of your customer.During the promotional stage, you have to ensure that your message is both clear and tailored to your target audience.Inform them about the features that come with your products and services and how they are beneficial.Some of the questions that you must ask yourself include:What differentiates your business from your competitors?Does it provide products of high quality at lower prices? Does your company offer a faster service and more flexibility?If you want your promotional message to get across and attract potential customers, you have to include those differentiators in order to set yourself apart from your rivals.When keeping your audience as the focal point of your promotion, you will know which channel to use to get the word out.Also, keep these questions in mind when developing promotional messages to your customers:What types of content do customers consume on a daily basis?Where are they situated? What times of the day are they consuming the most content?Here are some of the most common channels that businesses use for promotional purposes:PodcastsWord-of-mouthSocial mediaPress releasesEmailPublic relationsTelevision adsPrintPay-per-click (PPC) ads4. PlacePlace refers to the distribution of your company’s products. It answers how customers will be able to find and purchase your goods and services as well as whether it will be sold at retail stores or exclusively online.The two most common distribution channels include direct sales and wholesalers.If, for instance, you operate a local retail business, then it is likely you will use direct sales at your location. You can also choose to offer some items online.But whether in-store or online, you are the main contact who manages and shapes the overall customer experience.The second option for businesses to sell their goods and services is through a reseller or a wholesaler.If you’re selling stuff through Walmart or Amazon, then you fit the category.One great advantage of working with a wholesaler is that they usually have a wider distribution network and a larger customer-base.But even though it’s possible to reach out to more customers, you may also lose some of that customer connection that comes with direct sales.Aside from that, it can also be an extremely difficult and lengthy process to reach a deal with a bigtime wholesaler like Walmart.Another thing is that if your business doesn’t have a consistent supply of products all year, then intermediary sales is not the right place for it.But if your business includes sales or products that are seasonal or available for a limited time only, then direct sales are better option.When planning a marketing strategy, there’s a considerable difference between knowing the framework and then having to put it into practice.Here’s a step-by-step process on what you should be doing:MARKETING STRATEGY TEMPLATENow that you understand what the model is, the next thing to do is to use it.To do that, you first need to have a solid understanding of your target market, or your ideal customer.Define Your Target AudienceIf you have already worked out the ideal customer for your goods and services, you have to describe them as well.Consider the following information:AgeSocioeconomic statusLocationGenderEducation levelHobbies and interestsProfession or industry they are inCommon problems they faceOther identifying characteristicsWhen you’ve developed a clear understanding of the kind of target audience you’re aiming for, you can begin developing the 4Ps of marketing, starting with product.What are Your Products and Benefits?The first thing you should do for your strategy is to describe your products and services as well as the qualities and benefits that come with them and your company.Other details to touch upon are:QualityPackaging and DesignFeaturesFunctionalityWarranties (If there are any.)Consider Toggle as an exampleMain Features: Time-trackingReportingProject managementTeam ma nagementIntegrationsSupportFunctions:Manage individual and team projectsAble to track work online and offlineView billable hours and generate reportsAssess and improve productivityPackaging and Design:Since Toggl is a digital app, it doesn’t have a physical product packaging. Though it does have a simple design and a user interface.Just like that, you have to describe your own products and services using these parameters. After that, you can compare these product qualities with those of your competitors.You will then be able to identify one or two benefits of your product that are better than your competitors and have their customers coming over to you potentially or eventually.Some of Toggle’s main highlights include:Accurate and honest client billing processBetter internal resource planning for businessesIncreasing productivity by making work time more focusedYour product can have a number of benefits, but you should focus more on the ones that are both unique and help you sta nd out from your competitors.Select the Right PricePricing products can be really tricky game. If let’s say, you’re a reseller, you can use the manufacturer’s suggested retail price as a basis.But if your product is made completely by your own hands, then you have to consider a couple of factors.To set a price for your products and services, answer the following questions:What is your revenue goal?How much money are you expecting to make?How much would my target audience be willing to pay?What are your overhead costs?What price rates do your competitors charge?What is a typical price for the industry?What are the ideal production and distribution costs per unit?Apart from the amount, you need to determine the frequency that you will charge your customers and the kind of pricing strategy you’re going to use.For example, Toggl uses monthly subscription pricing, which is based on the number of users and the size of the business.Though most organizations are fine with the linear Waterfall PM strategy, some managers in certain fields find it to be quite restricting.If they plan only at the beginning of the project, they will lose the advantage of the knowledge and experience that they gain while completing it.The subscription model is comparable to other freelancer and enterprise apps in the market, but is still competitively priced.Promotion and SalesThe first thing to consider for promotion is the best way for you to market and sell your product.Since toggl is an online app, the manufacturers are able to focus on digital sales straight from their site.But if you want to interact with customers in-person, then you have to have a physical location.For example, a beauty spa or a hair salon needs a store location in order to conduct their business.You have to research whatever your competitors are up to as you are likely targeting the same demographic as well as using the same channels as they are.In this case, the only way to differentiate yourself from them is how you communicate with your audience.The next step is to consider the best way to reach out to your customers.If your audience is, for example, people over the age of 50-60, you may not have as much success in promoting your products and services on Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat or Instagram.Instead, you can reach them more effectively by word-of-mouth, television or print.But if your target audience members are the tech-savvy millennials, then social media is your go-to option.If you use all of the above methods effectively, the 4Ps model can efficiently guide and direct your marketing and business strategies.They can help both businesses and marketers learn more about the needs and buying behaviors of their customers.Even though the marketing mix and 4Ps model has been around for decades, they aren’t completely flawless.With that in mind, there are some limitations and criticisms that you should be aware of when applying this model.WEAKNESSES OF THE MARKETING MIXThe 4Ps of t he marketing mix have several weaknesses in which they leave out or underemphasize a couple of important marketing activities.For instance, services are not overtly mentioned, although they can be categorized as products (like service products).Other marketing activities (like packaging) are not specifically mentioned but are placed in one of the 4Ps.Another major problem is that the 4Ps focus on the seller’s view of the market when it is the buyer’s view that should be focused on the most.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Illegal Immigration Is The United States - 1763 Words
The Unites States is founded on immigrants from every part of the world. According to the Migration Policy Institute, the United States attracts the largest number of immigrants in the world (MPI, Webpage). In 2013, the United States has approximately 41.3 million of immigrants, accounting for 13 percent of the overall population (Betalova, 2015). However, not all of the immigrants here in the United States does the right thing, a lot of them come to the country illegally and for a variety of reasons this is a bad thing. These immigrants have come into the country numerous ways and continue to cause controversy. People can all agree that immigration is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. However, before addressing this issue, people need to learn more about this situation. Illegal immigration is the act of living in a country without government permission. The number of illegal immigrants in the United States has been increasing tremendously over the years. There were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S in 2004 and Mexicans makeup half of all unauthorized immigrants (Passel, 2015). They come here to escape poverty, to work and give their families a promising future. Most unauthorized residents either entered the United States without inspection or were admitted temporarily and stayed past the date they were required to leave (Vang, 2012). A foreign person may come into this country legally through a work visa which entitles a person to live and work inShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration And The United States1573 Words  | 7 Pagesmillion illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States furthermore, for the United States economy. The correctional prerequisites against migrants were added to enactment to protect it from feedback that acquittal is absolution without outcome. Immigration makes a difference among everybody, and Congress ought to be doing everything in its energy to make it as simple as feasible for settlers to live and work lawfully what s more, openly in the United States. The United States is knownRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1315 Words  | 6 PagesFor ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual averageRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States969 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican businessman, politician, television personality, and author, is the presumptive of the y for president of the United States in 2016having won the most state primaries and caucuses and delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. Trump’s positions in opposition to illegal immigration, various free trade agreements that he believes are unfair, and most military interventionism have earned him particular support among blue-collar voters and voters without college degrees. Many of hisRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1486 Words  | 6 PagesIllegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for a long time so the issues that come with it should not be a surprise. America was established on the basis of newcomers settling here from abroad. Recently though, thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the U.S. through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico which has created a new an unanticipated issue for the U.S., in the past immigrants came from Europe and passed through the Ellis Island stationRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The United States1805 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal immigration is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Some c ountries have millions of illegal immigrants. Immigration, including illegal immigration, is overwhelmingly upward, from a poorer to a richer country. The easy definition of an undocumented immigrant is someone who was not born in the United States and therefore has no legal right to be or remain in the United States. Not all undocumented immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigration : The United States1876 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal Immigration Due to the economic benefits of immigrant labor, the dangers of central American countries, and the basic human rights of noncitizens, the US government must grant amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Illegal immigration has become a rising issue in the US over the past few years, and it will continue to heat up coming into this year s presidential election. This issue is also very present in the local community due to it’s diversity and large Hispanic population. GenerallyRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States1864 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal Immigration In The United States: A Controversial Debate Illegal immigration is an on-going issue, which is of much importance in the United States today. It has been overlooked for many years, however it has reached a point where it can no longer be ignored. Most of the illegal immigrants, 54% to be exact, come through the Mexican border. (Hayes 5) Since the early 1980’s, the number of illegal Mexican immigrants has risen at an incredible rate, causing the United States government to takeRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States Essay2094 Words  | 9 PagesIllegal Immigration in the United States Illegal Immigration in the United States The United States (US) has always been viewed as the land of opportunity because it is the only true free country in the world. This being the case people have been fighting their way into the country for decades. However, it is becoming more and more of a problem each decade that passes. With the United States border being so close to Mexico it is now seeing the highest population of illegal immigrants toRead MoreDeportation: Immigration to the United States and Illegal Alien2373 Words  | 10 Pagesadvance because of the way the immigration process works. However, one thing we all had in mind, was to see the light of a different country, see different faces and hopefully find ways to stay. Once the airplane took off, words was already spread all over the office of Haiti air in Florida that the airplane left Haiti with more than 30 Haitian illegal on board. The first few 2 hours spent at the arrival office was like a discovery of a new world for every single illegal in that group. This was oneRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Immigration In The United States1091 Words  | 5 Pagesarrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes. (De Leon, K) The new legislation, created by California Senate President Kevin de Leon, officially makes the state of California a â€Å"sanctuary state†. Previously, de Leon determined that Donald Trump is a racist because of his positions on immigration; most notably, Trump’s attempt to defund cities that considered themselves sanctuaries. In a debate that is becoming increasingly more polarized, Brown sought to protect illegal immigrants against
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Odyssey Response Paper - 1880 Words
True wisdom, according to the Odyssey, is having the ability to reflect on your experiences and tradition, and then doing what ought to be done in similar situations based on the virtues you learned and gained through these insights. The Odyssey portrays a man’s journey toward and growth in true wisdom through his better knowledge of human nature. He undergoes many different trials on his journey back to his home and family, and it is during these trials that Odysseus has insights into human nature. These insights lead to Odysseus’s newfound wisdom, which he achieves by the time he returns home to Ithaca. It is thus during Odysseus’s journey and return home that we most clearly see him growing in true wisdom and virtue. Homer begins the Odyssey with an ironic line: â€Å"This is the story of a man, one who was never at a loss†(p. 3). The irony of this line is seen numerous times throughout the book: Odysseus, who is usually never at a loss, is constantly at a loss. This is because he only knows how to be a man of cunning, and must learn to become a man of wisdom also. Odysseus is able to get his way many times by manipulating the situation with his cunning. But when he comes across a situation where his cunning is of no use to him, he finds himself at a loss because of his lack of wisdom. He does not know what ought to be done in most situations because he has not reflected very deeply on his own experiences, human nature, or tradition. This is evident after he tries to obtainShow MoreRelatedOdyssey Response Paper1240 Words  | 5 Pagesnature. The Odyssey is a story that has many examples of true wisdom in it. The story does this by following the progression of Odysseus, a Greek war hero, growing in wisdom over the course of his journey. Odysseus undergoes many hardships and struggles, and through these he grows in wisdom. At the end of his journey Odysseus has many problems at his home, where he hasn’t been in twenty yea rs, and there he uses his wisdom to solve these problems correctly. Homer’s first line in the Odyssey introducesRead MoreThe Odyssey By Robert Fagles926 Words  | 4 Pagesof the Odyssey delineates a journey as both a transformative and life-changing experience that does not necessitate physical travel. Such characters as Odysseus, Telemachus, Penelope, and Athena have undergone physical, imaginative, spiritual, and emotional travel, which has had a telling influence on their lives. The journeys have played a critical role in shaping, transforming, and developing the characters. This paper will detail the journeys undertaken by various characters in the Odyssey. OdysseusRead MoreThe Flight Of The Nez Perce And The Cheyenne Odyssey1496 Words  | 6 Pages The flight of the Nez Perce and the Cheyenne Odyssey/Exodus were two equally important parts of American Indian history. 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The epic is not about bloodthirsty men trying to get their hands on kleos anymore; it is about the homecoming of a man who uses his wits, not his weapon. In the Odyssey, the charactersRead MoreOf Mice and Men2671 Words  | 11 Pagesreading Of Mice and Men, we will pause to make some observations. These observations are intended to improve your ability to see and interpret key ideas and events in the story. Write your responses to these questions on a separate sheet of paper as you read. It’s fine to type your responses if you prefer. Responses to each question should be thorough, not just a few words or single sentence. 1. Generate a list of five words that describe Lenny. After making the list, choose the one word you thinkRead MoreEssay on Jason vs Odysseus937 Words  | 4 Pagesantiquity, Jason and Odysseus have much in common and just as much not. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hair Braid in the Global Market Free Essays
Supremely confident market registering strong growth rates. South African salons unaffected by economic downturn Chemical relaxing and African hair styling most popular services accounting for almost all salon business. Products formulated to suit new service combinations – such as colouring relaxed hair – in demand, command premium prices in salons The South African haircare market – both professional and consumer – is growing in double digits and this strong growth is expected to continue for 2010 and beyond. We will write a custom essay sample on Hair Braid in the Global Market or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hosting the World Cup may have inspired the country but the economic fundamentals are extremely positive. The economy develops and employment expands in South Africa. The number of people in image or appearance conscious workplaces – such as consumer service industries, media sector and the professions – is growing strongly. The middle classes, in particular the black middle class, are increasing in size and influence. In South Africa patterns of consumption of hair services and products differ by consumer segment and by ethnic group. The ethnic African segment is the single largest consumer group and this market has the most potential. As one salon expert in Johannesburg explained, â€Å"There is a big market for ethnic hair. These needs have to be addressed†Chemical relaxing and African hair styling are the most popular services accounting for almost 80% of salon business. Hair relaxing is the leading service category and will continue to be the mainstay of the African professional and consumer hair care market. The complex relaxing process consists of a package of services with many procedures. A wide product range covering different formulations and packages for the various process stages is required. There is strong – as yet unmet- demand for colourants suitable for using on relaxed hair. African styling is the next most important service category in black salons. This term is used to cover a number of styles such as braiding, hair extensions and pieces, dreadlocks or dreads, bonding, their infinite variations and many combinations. These hairstyles can last for up to three months, during which time they require the on-going use of conditioners and treatments to prevent damage and breakage. South African consumers – for reasons of convenience and comfort – need salons and hairdressers to provide these complex and labour intensive services. Chemical relaxing and African hairstyling which require specific and different stylist skills are quite different markets. Salons must be multiservice on order to meet their clients’ needs. In addition, the product range required for styling and dealing with relaxed hair is extensive. A multiplicity of brands and products is now needed because few, if any brands, can be described as â€Å"multi tasking†that is effective on the different types of hair seen by salon stylists on a daily basis. Salons are looking for multi-platform products to be formulated. Products that deliver these goods can command double the price in salons in South Africa. The South African market is the largest in Africa, is a bridge head to the larger sub Saharan regional market, and to the descendants of ethnic Africans in other parts of the world. In this new report Professional Hair Care Market South Africa, the author quantifies the value of the salon haircare market (in South African Rand) and the number of salons and hairdressers -both formal and informal- operating in South Africa. The market is segmented in terms of price points, service categories and products used. This new research determines demand for chemical relaxing, African hair styling and colouring services in hair salons in South Africa. The research also focuses on company and brand share in this fragmented market. Findings are based on in-depth discussions conducted with salon experts in Johannesburg during November 2009. This report is also available in the following Languages Afrikaans, Sesotho and IsiXulu. The report consists of 2 parts (a powerpoint presentation and the report itself as a pdf file) Contents: (Hair care, haircut, style, African styling, braiding, weaves, wefts, hair extensions, dreadlocks, relaxing, texture, curls, colour, treatments, wet and dry products, beauty, nails, brands, salon, spa. ) REPORT STRUCTURE SECTION 1 How to cite Hair Braid in the Global Market, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Why is this scene so dramatic Essay Example For Students
Why is this scene so dramatic? Essay In this scene Shakespeare makes Romeo and Juliets situation even more difficult. Why is this scene so dramatic? The play is written about people and how much to interest is in not just the portrayal of the joy and heartache of first love and sexual attraction, but also issues of rising against parents and believing oneself to be misunderstood. Play is full of dramatic irony as the prologue tells the audience what will happen throughout the play. It also explains about the family feud that has been going on throughout generations. We will write a custom essay on Why is this scene so dramatic? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Romeo and Juliet had little stagecraft in those days, they didnt have any special effects so there language had to be powerful. They also had to act a 5 day story line in 2 hours which included murders, secrets, marriages and plotting, making it very dramatic. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1593, it is considered a Greek tragedy because by the end of the play a number of people are dead. Juliet finds herself in a very difficult situation. She has secretly married Romeo without her parents knowledge. Romeo has killed Tybalt in revenge for the killing of Mercutio. She knows that her parents want her to marry Paris, which she now is really in a weak position. Act 3, scene four is very short: Capulet tells Paris he can marry his daughter Juliet, one of the reasons why Capulet wants Juliet to marry Paris is because he is a wealthy relation of the Prince of Verona, perfect match for Juliet. Time is running out for the star cross lovers. The audience know many things that Capulet dose not like (Juliet is married to Romeo) this is building dramatic irony as well as tension. Act 3 scene 5 starts with Romeo and Juliet talking, after their first and only night together. The audience knows that Juliets father has plans for her and Paris to be married- she doesnt. The audience also know that Juliets mother may come in at any time this adds to the tensions. Romeo knows he needs to get out of there as he says I must be gone and live, or stay and die. Shakespeare is ambiguous here as this could be looked at two meanings as we know Juliets mum is coming or that this might be where Romeo dies. Romeo keeps talking about death; Therefore stay yet, thou needs not to be gone, I have more care to stay than will to go. He also talks about light and dark. Romeo says More light and light, more dark and dark our woes! Mostly everything good happens to Romeo and Juliet in the dark as the first time they saw each other and spend the first night together since they have been married. All of this is dramatic language of love and death combined. Juliet has a feeling that she sees Romeo dead, making the audience wonder if they will ever see each other again. Methinks I see thee now, that art so low, as one death in the bottom of a tomb. Romeo and Juliet are seen in the early hours of Tuesday morning note that the lovers have been together during hours of darkness, as they recently married. When light comes they have to part , and would only reunite in the darkness, this time there is a permanent darkness of death which the audience knew from the prologue. As light came, Juliet was no longer with Romeo, and doesnt know when she will see him again. Lady Capulet talks to her daughter after Romeo has left. She doesnt know how Juliet feels about Romeo and their secret marriage t. .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 , .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .postImageUrl , .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 , .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25:hover , .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25:visited , .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25:active { border:0!important; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25:active , .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25 .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue9127d4b2b26a40c1c82b37e58b23b25:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Blood Brothers Evaluative Phase EssaySo shall you feel the loss, but not the fiend which you weep for? Lady Capulet that is because you traitor murder lives, says Juliet. Juliet tries to convince her mother that she is upset because of Tybalts death. The audience knows she is lying, this is dramatic irony, as are the other references to death in the play and the future. Then her mum tells Juliet that she is to marry Paris. Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn, she then says Shall happily make thee the a joyful bride, she dose not seem to hate her daughter, because she assumes marriage will help her grief. Both parents seem more concerned with pleasing Paris than Juliets happiness. When Capulet comes in he expects his daughter to do exactly what he says both him and Lady Capulet. Juliet is meant to marry Paris because he comes from a wealthy family also it will help her get over Tybalts death. When he discovers that Juliet will not marry Paris, he loses his temper and is very abusive to her Or I will drag three on a hurdle thither. Out, you green sickness carrion! Out, you baggage! You tallow face! At this stage Capulet is in an angry mood but when he leaves the room he is claim again. In the play you will notice that Capulet starts of claim then goes angry Tempest tossed body, this is a metaphor of the way Capulet acts when he loses his tempter, then goes calm again. Capulet is very harsh when he speaks to Juliet, For example he says I tell thee what: get to church a Thursday or never after look me in the face. Capulet is showing control over Juliet he is saying that you are getting married on Thursday, and if you dont then I dont want to know you. Juliets behaviour has changed dramatically since the start of the play, she has become more confident in answering back and disobeying her parents, especially back then it wasnt found upon to misbehave. Juliet is acting as if she just wants to be an adult. I think this is as she has just got married and feels she is older than what she actually is. Although outside Juliet is angry and upset with her parents inside she is feeling guilty and she has dropped herself in it and knows all her parents are doing is try to help. Juliets indecent behaviour started to rapidly increase as the scene progresses. She reaches the highest point when she goes behind her parents back and marries Romeo; this is why Juliet is going to feel guilty as she has to argue with her parents to prevent her marrying Paris. Capulet is protective over his daughter, most likely because she is his only child, he seems to be afraid of how fast shes growing up at the beginning of the play, especially when Paris asks him to marry Juliet; My child is yet a stranger in the world, She hath not seen the change of fourteen years;. Capulet is unwilling to let his only daughter marry so early, but invites Paris to a feast at his mansion that evening. After initially telling his wife to give the news about the wedding to Juliet he goes in after, expecting to see Juliet please, but finds her upset. He offers sympathy to her as she seems upset. How now a Conduit girl? What still in tears? This fatherly comfort soon disappears after he discovers that Juliet refuses to marry Paris. He then begins to start throwing insults at her in a growing rage. He is feeling this way because he as her father is meant to be in complete control, and she is refusing to do as he says is belittling and in his eyes, it makes him less of a man. This is the turning point in the play, where the relationship between Juliet and Lord Capulet has changed because of her love for Romeo; it reflects the theme of the play of a childs relationship and attitude towards their parents, which is still relevant in the 21st Century. Adding to the drama is that the scene is cross-purposing as she seems to always be crying, as an audience we know its mainly about Romeo fleeing but her parents think its about Tybalt dyeing. .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e , .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .postImageUrl , .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e , .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e:hover , .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e:visited , .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e:active { border:0!important; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e:active , .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua372dbad3b67108b767a9e3b864f8e4e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The ways Shakespeare presents the character of Viola in Act One Scenes Two and Four EssayIn Verona there was a masculine society (patriarchal). Where men ruled and were expected to be obeyed. I think Romeo and Juliet were to show that Capulet is a cruel man, and he always wants his own way. The effect this all has on the audience is that they know that Juliet is already married to Romeo, and now that they have see how Capulet is like this makes the audience wonder what she is going to do now?. Juliet is left on her own and has no one to turn to, even the nurse who is look at a mother to Juliet tells her she is spoiled and Capulet is right and that she should marry Paris, but we know the only reason she is doing this is to safe her job, as when she try helping Juliet first, Capulet told her it is not any of her business and tells her to back way if she want to keep her job. As this scene starts to come to an end, Lord Capulet is forcing the wedding and trying to get it done as soon as possible, but at the beginning of the scene when Juliet seems to obey what her father said, he seems quite calm and relaxed about the whole situation. I think the change in attitude is to do with his daughters behaviour and hoping he can get it done before she decided to change her mind again. In conclusion, this scene sheds light on why Juliet is so distanced from her mother. When Juliet expresses her opposition to marrying Paris (and thus defying her parents wishes for a economically beneficial match) Lady Capulet fumes: I would the fool were married to her grave! Juliets mother will offer neither intervention nor consolation for her daughter. This scene also serves to further isolate Juliet from any adult who might give her wise guidance. Even her beloved nurse abandons her; she too advocates marriage to Paris. Juliet feels she has nowhere else to turn other than Friar Lawrence, whose occult-like schemes should be suspect to anyone with sense. The end of the act finds Juliet and Romeo alone in their immature ability to reason. The result is the inevitable tragedy. The story of Romeo and Juliet offers a lot of lesson to be learned and as a result of the death of Romeo and Juliet the two families of Capulet and Montague are brought back to living harmoniously.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Bull Run essays
Bull Run essays Civil War Battles- Bull Run, Shiloh and Vicksburg The American Civil War- 1861 to 1895. A terrible four years. Four years of victory, defeat and death. Though, without it where would the United States of America be? Pulled apart or reconstructed and as one? When asked what is the Civil War people are most likely to say a war fought between the north and the south. Then when asked why they say because the north and the south had opposite views on subjects. Their answers are right. However when asked what happened in Vicksburg or Shiloh or even Bull Run few know. First Manassas or Bull Run was and important battle for the Yanks. If they beat the confederates Lees defense strategy would be ruined. Each side had there own strategy. McDowell strategy was to overwhelm Beauregard (confederate leader) at Manassas and have Patterson pin Johnstons force. McDowell was happy because he had a 3to 2 lead. McDowell lead his troop to Centreville, where the army would think about their attack on Beau regards troop. where strong but the Confederates stronger. With 24,000 men, the Confederates had less than the Union with 35,000 men. However, only 18,572 of the Union where in battle and 18,053 of the Confederates. They used 49 cannons each and the rest fought with their rifles. Each of them lost many people during the fighting. In one day the Union army had 460 killed, 1,124 wounded and 1,312 captured or missing, thats a total of 2, 896. On the other hand the Confederate army had 387 killed, 1,582 wounded and 13 captured or missing, thats a total of 1,982. The battle was fought with great honor. However most of the honor went to the Confederates. They won the battle and it was just one of their many victories Shiloh Tennessee, April 6, 1962- a town becomes a battlefield where hundreds will be wounded or captured or even die. ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Term Schools Papers about Gospel Music
Term Schools Papers about Gospel Music Term Schools Papers about Gospel Music Term Schools Papers about Gospel Music Gospel music is inspirational. Writing term schools papers about gospel music you may explore the inspirational effect of the gospel music or research the history of the gospel music. This page has a good sample term paper about gospel music. It is short but you may find some good ideas to start writing your own term paper. unites professional writers and students from all over the world.You may try our free paper blog with detailed tips on term paper writing, check our term paper samples, or try our custom paper writing services. Sample Term Papers: Gospel Music Literate, urban blacks increasingly depended on rehearsed music sung by choirs or smaller vocal groups, indebted in style to arrangements of spirituals popularized by the various jubilee singing groups of the day. Congregational support came as hand clapping and supportive ejaculations, not as singing. Modern black gospel music derives from this stage, though its history is difficult to trace because of the virtual absence of written or recorded documentation. A handful of phonograph discs made by the Dinwiddie Colored Quartet and other groups in the first years of the present century confirm that the harmonically based jubilee style had spread to other areas of black vocal music; field recordings made in the rural South and in Southern prisons in the 1930s and '40s tell us that triadic, tonal vocalizing had extended to orally disseminated music and that the male quartet (usually featuring one or two exceptionally high tenor voices) had become a popular medium; commercial recordings made in the 1920s of both sacred and secular music document the vocal and rhythmic viruosity which had become part of these traditions. A flood of recordings by black male gospel quartets in the 1930s and '40s, by the Golden Gate Jubilee Quartet, the Famous Blue Jay Singers, the Kings of Harmony, the Soul Stirrers, and many others, preserve some of the most complex music for small vocal ensemble ever performed, while underlining the successful integration of harmonic and formal aspects of white music into the expression of intensely black religious and musical expression. Other recordings from the same period inform us of the early utilization of instruments in black religious music. The modern era of gospel music, taken by most scholars to begin with the compositions of C. A. Tindley and Thomas A. Dorsey, falls outside the scope of the present chapter. However, its most important musical impulses were surely derived from spirituals and jubilee songs of the decades leading up to Wor ld War I.It has been said that the blues "represent the full racial expression of the Negro, the expression of the emotional life of a race. This solo secular vocal form took shape at just the time the spiritual was emerging in the postwar South, and like the latter it reflects aspects of African style and expression modified by circumstances of black life in America: (The) intensely personal nature of blues-singing is the result of what can be called the Negro's "American experience." African songs dealt, as did the songs of a great many of the preliterate or classical civilizations, with the exploits of the social unit, usually the tribe.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Conflict Diamonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Conflict Diamonds - Essay Example These wars till date have caused a loss of around 3.7 million lives. Now that the war in Sierra Leone and Angola are over, and DRC is also cooling down, the problem of conflict diamonds still exist (Seigel, 133; Conflict Diamonds: Did someone die for that diamond). In 1992, the UN Security Council took steps to solve the problem, but was a failure. In 1993, embargo was imposed on arms trade and diamond exports by the UN Security Council. In 1997, military takeover in Sierra Leone and collapse of Lome’ peace agreement in 2000 showed the same picture. In 2000, an embargo on diamond export from Sierra Nevada was also proposed, but all these did little to solve the crisis situation in these African countries. Causes and Impacts The direct impact of the ‘conflict diamonds’ situation can be seen as the two main problems that need to be discussed here - one is the refugee problem and the other being the child soldiers. The source of this ongoing refugee problem started f rom December 1989 with a rebellion between Liberia and Ivory Coast. It was reported that by March 1990, almost 84,000 Liberians had sought refuge in the neighboring country of Guinea, which was where most fleeing people would seek shelter. When talks of negotiation broke off between the governments of both these countries, a fierce rebellion triggered in Liberia in June 1990, and the refugees were now starting to take shelter in Sierra Leone in large numbers. Most people residing in the common area of border like that of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone started crossing the borders in the form of refugees. These refugees, instead of taking the longer routes, came through the shortest of the ways as crow flies to attend to periodic churches and with alibi of businesses. One major problem was that these refugees, instead of living in the refugee camps started cohabiting in local areas with local people. Land provided to them by the local authorities was used to settle down by construc ting rough unplanned houses as the neighboring areas started becoming overcrowded. Initially, there was co-operation from the host country, but tensions started arising when their numbers started multiplying. Even in some areas, the number of refugees exceeded the number of local people. Tensions started elevating when the rural Liberian refugees could not quite cope up with the urban styles of dressing and mind-set. The tensions were elevated further when there were reduction of already very little resources, mainly due to sloth reaction of the aid agencies. The hosts were never prepared to share their impoverished resources (Magbaily Fyle, 37-47). The second and graver problem arising from the conflict of blood diamond is the increase in the size of child soldiers. According to United Nations (UN), number of child soldiers increased from 200,000 to 300,000 during the period ranging from 1988 to 2002. The increasing use of child soldiers are a slur in the face of the wide claims of various international laws that claim to exert their influence in shielding children from both forceful and voluntary deployment in civil wars throughout Africa. The Liberian war of 1989-1995 shows not the state’s army, but an incredible proportion of children among the rebels. Some conflicts also show a different trend of deploying more child soldiers by the government itself. In Africa, by
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Administrator and Teacher Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Administrator and Teacher Interview - Essay Example After enrolling at Hardin-Simmons University, I realized what my calling was. A professor noticed that I had many hours in Spanish and asked me if I had ever considered teaching Spanish or bilingual education. I had always loved working with children, as I had worked with children in my high school years, helping them to read and practice math. And so, my career in education began. After some time in school, I began to realize all the benefits of being an educator: summers and holidays off, time with my family, working with children, and a love for a career unlike any other. (2) Would you recommend the education profession to others? Why or why not? I would only recommend the education profession to others that truly want to teach. The rewards from the students’ successes are wonderful. Most parents are kind and helpful. There are many more positive aspects to teaching, but there are also negative aspects to teaching. For example, teachers are some of the lowest paid professio nals in the country. Teachers must continue to educate themselves to stay current in educational trends, often at their own expense. There is immense pressure to make students perform on state accountability tests because student scores are tied to state funds for the schools. (3) Are there any other teachers in your family? If so, who? I have two cousins who are educators in Texas. (4) What is your highest level of education? (Masters) Leadership of Learning, M.Ed. (5) How long have you been an educator? I have been an educator for thirteen years. (6) What is your greatest challenge as an educator? My greatest challenge is getting parents involved in their children’s education. (7) How do you balance the demands of your profession with the political realities of the education system? It is difficult. I often take the political realities personally. I try to do my job and leave the other â€Å"stuff†at school. Sometimes I vent to those I trust, and sometimes administr ators hear my voice if I feel passionately enough about the topic. I try not to rock the boat too often because I feel like everyone is constantly critiquing my actions and me. (8) Do you live in the community that you work in? If yes, do you believe that it is important for educators to live in the community in which they work? Why or why not? I live in a nearby town. I believe that it is important for the educator to be involved in the community. An educator does not have to live in the community to be involved. I loved living in the community where I taught because the students could come over at any time. On the other hand, living outside the community offers more privacy. (9) Who was your greatest educational influence? My high school science teacher helped me love learning. He taught me to become a life-long learner. Later, he hired me in my first teaching position. During my time working with him, Mr. Hardy taught me what a true leader is: one who serves others. (10) What is the greatest benefit of being an educator? The greatest benefit is watching young people learn and love learning. When a child realizes that he/she can do anything with effort, it is amazing to watch them try new things and succeed. It is more amazing to watch them fail and try again in a different way. That shows that they are growing as students. When they accomplish what they thought was impossible, their smiles and hugs are the greatest pay. b) Administrator and Teacher Interview i) Make arrangements to interview both an administrator and a teacher. Utilize the questions below in the interview and record their responses: (1) Why did you choose to go into education as a career? I chose to go into edu
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Comparing Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper; and Kate Cho
Comparing Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour' 'The Yellow Wallpaper';, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and 'The Story of an Hour';, by Kate Chopin, are alike in that both of the women in the stories were controlled by their husbands which caused them to feel an intense desire for freedom. Both stories were also written from a feminist point of view. However, the women in the stories had different life changes and different responses to their own freedom as a result of that change. In both stories the women's husbands had direct control over their lives. In 'The Yellow Wallpaper'; the narrator's husband controlled her both mentally and physically. He does not allow her to have any sort of mental or physical stimulation. She is virtually imprisoned in her bedroom, supposedly to allow her to rest and recover her health. She is forbidden to work and not even supposed to write. She does not even have a say in the location or dà ©cor of the room she is forced to spend almost even moment in. Furthermore, visitors are absolutely not allowed. She says, 'It is so discouraging not to have any advice and companionship about my work-but he says he would as soon put fireworks in my pillow-case as to let me have those stimulating people about now';(Gilman 635). Mrs. Mallard in 'The Story of an Hour'; had to deal with the same sort of affliction. Her husband had control over her 'body and soul';. She felt that he lived her life for her and did 'not believe that anyone had th e right to impose a private will on a fellow creature'; (Chopin 13). This control caused both women to long for freedom from their husbands' oppressive behavior. In 'The Yellow Wallpaper'; it seems that the narrator wishes to drive her husband away. She explains, 'John is away all day, and even some nights when his cases are serious. I am glad my case is not serious'; (Gilman 634)! This quote shows that she is glad to see her husband away so that she may be left alone to do as she pleases without interference from her husband. She is frequently rebelling against her husband's orders. She writes in her journal and tries to move her bed when there is no one around to see her. However, she always keeps an eye out for someone coming. The intense desire for freedom is even more obvious in 'The Story of an Hour.'; Mrs. Mallard's craving for freed... ...her husband's death, 'she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment'; (Chopin 12). But, her grief was short lived. She soon was overcome with the joy that her husband would no longer control her. 'Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her. Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of day that would be her own'; (Chopin 13). However, when she realized that her husband was not really dead, she was overcome by grief again. The resulting grief because her husband was not dead was so intense that it killed her. 'The Yellow Wallpaper'; and 'The Story of an Hour'; have many similarities between the two. Both stories had controlling husbands that directly led to the their wives yearning for freedom. The stories were also both written from a feminist point of view. But, the women had different types of life changes and different responses to the change in their life. Works Cited: Choplin, Kate. 'The Story of an Hour.'; Literature for Composition. Ed. Sylvan Barnet et al. 5th ed. New York: Longman, 2000, 12-13. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. 'The Yellow Wallpaper.'; Literature for Composition. Ed. Sylvan Barnet et al. 5th ed. New York: Longman, 2000, 12-13.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Cell Organelles and the Production of a Protein
Using a human cell of your choice, describe how organelles work together to make and secrete a protein (LO1. AC 1. 1) An epithelial cell in the thyroid gland, called a thyrocyte forms spherical follicles that produce a protein called thyroglobulin. This is a globular protein that has a functional role in metabolism. The protein is used by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones; thyroxine (T4) is an example of one of the hormones created. Thyroxine is formed by iodine binding to tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin molecules, inside the follicle cell. www. vivo. colostate. edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/thyroid/chem. html) This hormone regulates growth and controls the rate of chemical reactions in the body. This image is from: http://classes. midlandstech. com/carterp/Courses/bio211/chap16/chap16. htm Before the thyroid hormone can be secreted from the thyroid follicle cell, the thyrocyte needs to make the protein thyroglobluin, by different organelles in the cell. There are many organelles inside the cell, however only specific organelles make and secrete thyroglobulin.The Nucleus (the largest organelle inside the cell) controls all the different organelles within the follicle cell, and instructs each organelle on how to synthesis the protein (thyroglobulin). It also holds the DNA which codes for thyroglobulin, so it knows what protein the cell is producing and how much is needed. The Nucleolus, which is inside the Nucleus, contains the ribosomal RNA that is involved in building proteins and also this organelle is the site where ribosomes are assembled. The ribosome is where Thyroglobulin is made.This organelle is either found floating free throughout the cell in the cytoplasm or embedded on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The protein can be formed at both locations. Thyroglobulin uses the rough endoplasmic reticulum as a transport system through the thyrocyte; also this organelle can be a temporary storage for thyroglobulin until it is needed. The protei n is then moved to the Golgi complex, this organelle is known to be most commonly found in glandular cells. The Golgi body is where thyroglobulin is modified into a glycoprotein; this is when a carbohydrate is added into the structure of the protein.This modified thyroglobulin is processed, sorted and packaged into secretory vesicles. These secretory vesicles are then discharged in to the follicle lumen. The thyroid follicle cell traps iodide (active uptake) and it then travels through the cell, on the way through the cell the iodide is oxidized into active iodine by hydrogen peroxide. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO). The iodine is then passed into the colloid lumen. In the colloid the iodine is attached to tyrosine, this is the amino acid that joins together to make up the protein thyroglobulin, forming DIT (T2).DIT is known as a colloid thyroglobulin. Iodinated tyrosines are joined together to form thyroxine (T4). The thyroglobulin colloid is endo cytosed (entering) back into the thyroid follicle cell forming an inward folding. This is then combined with a lysosome, so that the lysosomal enzymes can split thyroxine from the thyroglobulin colloid. Finally the hormone is diffused out of the thyrocyte, through the cell membrane into the bloodstream on its way to the peripheral tissues via the capillary.Image from: http://wps. aw. com/bc_marieb_happlace_7_oa/42/10969/2808223. cw/index. html
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Gender Differences In Communication Are A Set Of Rules
Gender differences in communication are a set of rules based off what society perceives as accurate for a male or female in situations. This literature review investigates gender differences in communication, particularly differences in conversational style, body politics and attractiveness, work and education, in relation to learning the roles of gender. Results of the literature review suggest that gender differences exist in various ways. Communication for females indicate women are indirect and are perceived as objects to men. Males appear more direct and are perceived as the ideal person in society. These differences mirrors traditional values and assumptions about the nature of the sexes. What society fails to realize is that not†¦show more content†¦This answers how women and men discuss same-topic situations, and how society mold conversation. It fits perfectly with the case I want to make because I seek to find the differences in the two genders. Although that is the case, the experiment can be tricky to follow. Nordenstam uses many people from different social groups, and she allows them to pick their individual who remains in their same group. By the participants picking in the same social group, it is rather difficult to trace if this rule goes for all individuals or just for individuals in that social group. Also, she is unaware of the person they are discussing their topic. However, conversation is the primary for people to negotiate identities, but it cannot be aligned with one’s sex. In this study, it allows me to see the differences in the two genders through the perspective of voice and language. It gives a visual of what men and women are capable of in situations, and it shows that men and women fail to understand each other due to their conversational style. Once we learn that we communicate differently, society can adjust to the negative effects. 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